Thursday, March 31, 2011

goodbye, March.

So...I kind of abandoned the whole "blog challenge" thing there at the end. In the interest of full disclosure, I have to tell you that I kind of intended to all along. I knew that there was no way I was actually going to write every day while I was in Santa Barbara, and since I failed to start the challenge more than 30 days before I left....well, we'll just call it a 26 day challenge instead.

My time in Santa Barbara was basically perfection. Perfect weather, wonderful friends, and a fleeting escape from the somewhat scary reality of life right now. (I did my taxes before I annual income was pitiful. And now I have no job. Good.) Anyways...I feel just beyond blessed to have two homes that I love so much and such incredible people in my life. it's back to the grind. Work all day, search for new jobs all evening. But I am very confident in the Lord. I am certain that the plan He has for me is what's best for me. It's been a long and winding road to get to where I am, and I really wouldn't change a step of it (except for maybe my three week stint at Dazbog...not really sure what the point of that was...). I am sure that the road I'm on, though it will continue to wind, will lead me to exactly the right place.

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