Wednesday, March 9, 2011

day twelve.

Day 12 - how you heard about blogs and why you started one:

Well, I'm fairly certain that I had a blog sometime in my angsty teenage years (although, to be fair, I was a pretty angst-free teen), but I abandoned it long before college. I decided to start blogging again when I spent a semester in Europe, as a way to keep my family and friends updated on my European adventures. After I got back, I kept up with it, because (to keep it simple) I like writing. I like to journal, but it's so much easier to type out everything than to write it by hand. Plus, I enjoy the feedback of my (few) friends and family who read.

So...there it is - the story of my blogging life :).

In other news, I had yogurtland today and it was so. dang. good.

1 comment:

MicheLe said...

Oh man. I knew I was thinking about you today for a reason. Yogurtland. You rule.