Thursday, January 1, 2009


I feel obligated to write a "goodbye 2008, hello 2009" post.  So here it is.

2008 was a pretty remarkable year, full of many notable events, not the least of which was my graduation from Westmont College.  I now have a degree in English Literature.  Weird.  I've also experienced the devastation of a wildfire and been blessed by the restoration that followed it.  I've taken a life-changing trip to Israel and a pretty wonderful vacation to Mexico.  I've mourned.  I voted for the first time.  I've spent significant amounts of time in Santa Barbara, California and Littleton, Colorado, and few moments in some places in between.  I've made new friends and kept the old.  And I have continued to be grown and changed and refined into the woman that God intends me to be.

Welcome, 2009.  I look forward to what you have in store for me.

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