It's too hard.
I don't know how to put words to what I experienced during my time in the Holy Land. It was awe-inspiring, passion-kindling, life-changing...God is so good.
We (our flock of 49) spent two weeks hiking around Israel in HOT (usually 100+) weather, walking in the footsteps of Jesus and the disciples, standing in the land of God's chosen people, being inspired by the faith of those who have preceded us in this beautiful journey with our Lord.
There aren't words to capture this:
...scaling a cliff in order to stand in the wind where Jesus stood and prayed for his disciples...
...gathering a stone from the valley where a faithful little boy defeated a giant...
...singing amazing grace in a beautiful chapel, surrounded by those who were family for a little while...
...pledging to love God with all my heart, all my soul, all my might, and then being plunged into the rushing waters of the Jordan to symbolize that newly restored commitment....
I am still processing, and don't even want to attempt to capture this experience in words yet. I think I'll post little blurbs as I feel ready.
God did some impressive refining work on my heart in Israel...I pray that I never return to the person I was.
Thank God for his faithfulness!
For more pictures, you can look here and here.
bless you all...
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