Thursday, January 29, 2009


I woke up this morning feeling flustered, stressed, and not at all rested....due to my dream.
I walked into the living room and immediately proceeded to spill half of my bowl of cereal on the couch.
In the process of cleaning up the couch, I spilled a glass of water on the ground.

I'm pretty sure I should just go back to bed and try it all again later.

However, despite the way this day has begun, I'm feeling pretty great today.  Yesterday was one of those rare wonderful days where I just spent the whole thing laughing.  There's nothing like a good laugh to make you feel good about life again.  I went out last night with some old friends and made some new friends, which is always a wonderful thing.  

In other news, I have an interview tomorrow (!!!).  I'm trying not to be nervous, but I haven't been very successful in that endeavor.  I would really appreciate your prayers about this, because I would really LOVE to get this job.  

So I'm going to go embark upon my day and hope that the rest of it isn't as accident prone as this morning.

May God bless you today, dear friends :).

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