Thursday, October 1, 2009

emergency rooms and animal crackers.

So, for the past year and a half, I've been doing this one-word-for-the-post-title thing. And, while it has worked well for me, I think that this post (the first post of October) will mark a new period. One in which I do whatever I want for the blog title.


The leaves are changing and the autumn weather has blown in during the night. I walked outside this morning to be greeted by temperatures that leave your cheeks rosy and your fingers tingling long after you've retreated to the warmth of the indoors. I actually love this weather - I just need to get used to it again. My blood has been thinned by my years of living in Santa Barbara, where 50 degrees is considered "freezing." From where I sit in my office, I can just catch glimpses of the blue sky peeking out from behind the leaves caught somewhere between green and gold. My dad and I are going to go hike up in the mountains this weekend - I'll be sure to post pictures next week so that all of you who live in a place devoid of seasons can be jealous of the beautiful place I live in now.

Things are pretty lowkey in my life right now. It's funny when I talk to friends in Santa Barbara because it seems like SO much happens in their lives every day. I suppose that's to be expected with school and jobs and a lot of people around things just happen much more quickly. For me, however, life consists of work and church and not much else - it just moves a bit slower.

Tuesday, however, was a crazy day. Let's just say that I spent the majority of it with a ten year old in the emergency room.

No, actually, let's say more: I was walking through the parking lot on Tuesday morning when I saw a counselor running towards me. She informed me that one of our girls had hit her head on the playground and was "bleeding everywhere." I, of course, snapped into Supermom mode and ran over to the little girl, and they were right. She was bleeding EVERYWHERE. It was, frankly, quite disgusting. After a few minutes of evaluation and a phone call with her dad, I decided to take her to the ER so they could look at it and see if she needed stitches. Well, multiple hours, lots of blood, and a fight between me and the lady who wouldn't check us in because I "wasn't the parent" (I won, by the way. Don't mess with me when I'm wearing the daycare polo and have a bleeding child with me.) we learned that she would, in fact, need something to help heal her head, and staples were the method of choice. Luckily, Dad walked in right before they were about to put seven staples into this poor child's head, so he got to be the one to deal with the paperwork while I comforted (and nursed my fingers that she may have fractured she was squeezing them so hard). Needless to say, it was quite the adventure. Also, she showed up this morning and was super excited to show off her staples, so I'm pretty sure she's doing okay.

Alright, my government mandated 15-minute break is now over, so I'm off to do such exciting things as ordering mass amounts of animal crackers from Sam's Club and filling out a CCAP attendance report.

Hope you're all having a wonderful, adventurous day.

1 comment:

K. Robyn said...

ive read this four times now and have enjoyed every moment of it
