Wednesday, October 28, 2009

three saturdays a week is something i could definitely support.

Today was a good day.

It snowed today.  And though I have written that sentence in this blog many times in the past seven weeks of my newfound Colorado life, this is the first time that I can say it SNOWED today.  Multiple feet of snow are on the ground outside of my little red house.  The trees are bending under it's weight and my arm muscles may never recover from the strain of all the shoveling.

As a (beautiful and glorious) result of the snow, however, school was cancelled.  And when school is cancelled, so is my job!  I have never been more happy to be awakened at 5:00 in the morning.  And as an added bonus, school is cancelled tomorrow, also.  So tomorrow I get the joy of the unplanned day off without even having to endure the early morning phone calls that typically accompany such days.  I'm so happy - it's like being given the gift of two extra Saturdays!

(Side note - where were all of these snow days when I was a kid?!  I mean, sure - there's a lot of snow.  But when I was in elementary school, this NEVER would have passed as a snow day.  Instead we all would have made the trek to school and spent the day inside wishing we were out in the white washed wonderland teasing us outside those classroom doors.  I think that the Jeffco School District is growing soft in it's old age.)

Today was a day of sweats, reading, tomato soup and grilled cheese, wii fit with my dad, and some good tv.  And, to top off an already fantastic day, I got the joy of talking to Eric AND Renee today.

My heart feels cozy and warm as I bring this day to an end: wrapped in a blanket and wrapped in happiness.

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