Friday, February 13, 2009


I'm currently sitting on my living room floor next to my new pet, a dwarf hamster named Ralphie.  My roommates and I have been talking about getting a pet for a while now, and last night we finally took the dive and purchased Ralphie.  Our ideal situation would have been a dog or a cat, but we decided that we needed something a little bit easier to care for.  So then we thought about fish, but those are boring.  So we ended up with Ralphie.  The second the Petco employee pulled him out of the cage and put him in my hands, his precious little face left us no choice.  So now Christie, Christi and I are the proud owners of a 3 inch long ball of fuzz.  

He really is adorable, even if he does poop a lot.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

I want a hamster!!!!!!

I was going to get a cat for my house in the woods, but they're against Hume policy.

HOWEVER there's no rules about HAMSTERS.

I used to have a hamster named Pockets. Cause she fit in my pocket. And then she had a gazillion babies.