Thursday, February 26, 2009


Today was a really good day.  Long, but good. 

Work just went really stayed busy all day, but not too busy to the point of me feeling overwhelmed.  I made a pretty good amount of money in tips, and I really felt like I knew what I was doing today.  After three days of work, I feel like I can handle pretty much anything that comes my way.  I know this isn't a job that I'd like to have for a really long time, but it's nice for now.  I know I am capable of much more than what this job is requiring of me, but I also know that I need to be faithful with this opportunity and do my best while I am there.

After I got off work I went and had dinner with Jeff, Liane, and Courtney and then we ventured off to our first homegroup meeting.  We joined through Reality, a church here in town that I have recently started attending and hope to make my home church.  I have really been searching for a church in which I can get plugged in and meet people and have a home and a family in Christ, and I hope that Reality is the answer to those prayers.  Our group seems like a great bunch of people, and I'm excited for what the next 12 weeks hold for us.  I'm sure that there is much to be learned and revealed, but what I'm most excited for is the amazing people that I get to meet and talk with and learn from.  One of the few things that I've missed about my life before college is interacting with people of all different ages.  I feel there is so much to be gained from talking to people in all different stages of life and I'm really looking forward to finding that again through this homegroup.  AND I love that I get to share it with Jeff, Li, and Courtney, as they are three people that I really love and respect :).

After we left homegroup (almost an hour after the group had typical for us four chatty folks!) Jeff and I went up to Li's apartment and hung out with her and her roommate, Larissa.  We laughed A LOT and had a good conversation, and my conversation with Li and Larissa continued until just a few moments ago.  They are two of the most amazing women I know, and I'm so thankful for my newly starting friendship with both of them.  I love how being friends with someone opens up a whole new world of amazing people...that is what happened with these two.  They've been friends with Jeff since the beginning and, due to my "insta-friendship" with Jeff, they've become great friends of mine, as well.  I couldn't be more excited to be friends with them, and I can't wait to see where our friendship goes :). 

And now I'm about to crawl into bed (without setting an alarm!!) and get up tomorrow to enjoy my day off :).

Thank God for wonderful days like today...

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