Thursday, August 16, 2007


or ash....whatever....its all the same. There's a big forest fire on the other side of the ridge from us, so the sky is orange and there's a pretty layer of ash all over everything!

Its a strange feeling - being here at Westmont without actually living here. I'm walking around this place that has become my home and I know in the back of my mind that I'm really only here until next Thursday, but that's not how it feels. Strange, to say the least.

So, as is to be expected, plans for my trip have already drastically changed. On my way to the airport on Tuesday morning, Emily called me to tell me that she had a really high fever and was too sick to drive. After multiple phone calls and ideas being thrown around, I ended up still going to San Antonio and staying there until this morning. I didn't get to talk to Emily much on Tuesday (we were forced to be on opposite ends of the house so that I wouldn't be contaminated) and I also wore a face mask around the house for awhile. (really more to be funny than anything else....). Yesterday, however, Em's fever had gone down significantly so we were allowed to be in the same room, and it was a fun day of sitting around doing nothing. Then we flew out to Santa Barbara this morning and I'm currently sitting on the bed watching Em unpack all of her stuff. She just pulled out three of the same shoe - 2 left and one right :).

I also got to see Shane and Anna and Jim today (my cousins and their dog for those not related). Jim peed on my shirt, but he is really cute!

I'm looking forward to this next week of relaxing and playing with my friends (and hopefully seeing Hairspray for the 3rd time!). I really miss home, but I'm so excited for everything coming :)

lots of love...

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