Tuesday, December 8, 2009

life as of late.

I am anxiously awaiting the decision of the district....will school be open tomorrow or will the sub-zero temperatures win and let me sleep in and stay cozy in my sweats all day?


In other news...life is moving at warp speed as of late. New York came and went in the blink of an eye, 3 months since California came and went without time for reflection, and Seattle is on the quickly approaching horizon. I'm glad for the busyness and the way in which I have settled into my life here, but the quickly approaching future always holds a bit of anxiety for me. I must remember, though - one. day. at. a. time. And this today holds quite a bit of joy for me.

I'm coaching a freshman girls basketball team....they are just all kinds of awesome. They're great in that awkward 14 year old way that I'm learning to find quite endearing. And, of course, I'm loving getting to coach and pseudo-play the game that I love so much. Added bonus: my dad is another of the coaches, so we're getting to spend a ton of time together.

Life as of late....well - has been great.

And I'm so grateful.

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