I claim that I hate rain.
But that isn't entirely true. In fact, it isn't true at all.
What I hate is the incessent drizzle that people call "rain" all along the west coast. The grey skies, humid air, and continuous wetness is not my favorite thing. It gets the cuffs of my jeans wet, makes me change my shoes and socks at least five times a day, and don't even get me started on my hair. One day of rain and my hair looks like I should be thanking someone for my country music award. I don't like not seeing the sun, and I really don't like carrying an umbrella everywhere.
But I love rain.
I love the storms that roll in over the Rockies, cooling off everything just as it starts to get to hot to bear. The billowing clouds turn an ominous grey, the sky that was bright blue only seconds before turn black, and then it happens. The sky opens. This is the kind of rain that you try to avoid, because if you get caught in it, it's all over. An umbrella doesn't matter, neither does a rain jacket. If you're outside, you're drenched. There are thunder claps and lightning and lots of wind. And then, it's over. Almost as soon as it began, the rain ends. The clouds move on, and the bright blue skies and sun appear once again. And everything is exactly as it was before, except for a little bit cooler, a little bit brighter, and a little bit fresher. And it smells amazing.
That is rain.
I think that rain like that, it's like God. He comes in quickly, just when we can no longer bear the heat of life. He pours his love over us, drenching us completely, covering every part of us with it, overcoming every defense we try to put up against him. And then he pulls back, not as loud, not as forceful, but always present. He may not always been seen or heard, but he is always present. And the effects of his love are what keeps us alive. Just like the rain, he restores us - makes us cooler and more vibrant, he makes our lives fresh.
A silly metaphor? Maybe.
But I like the idea of using God's creation as a representation of him. I know that God is like the mountains, he's the rain and the sun and the grass. I see him in the sunsets and the rainfall and the smallest breeze. And I see him in laughs and smiles and tears.
Something I've been realizing lately is that life is for living. And part of living life is
seeing beauty. Not trying to capture it or justify it or explain it, but just to see it.
And so I will continue to watch the rain. Maybe next time I will go out and play in it - splash in some puddles, let the water fall on to my tongue, get completely drenched.
Because in that rain, in that
stunning beauty, that's where I see Love.