Friday, September 21, 2007

The Bosnian Plague

How strange that the first place with free wireless is Sarajevo, Bosnia. Not the college campus in London or the nice hotel in Ireland, but the sketchy hotel in Bosnia. Anyways - my energy is very limited so I can't give many details, but I can tell you that 40 of the 47 people in our group have food poisoning right now. Full on vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, intensely painful food poisoning, and I'm one of the lucky 40!!! Don't worry too much - I definitely wasn't the worst, and I'm starting to feel better, but the past 2 days have been crazy. We went whitewater rafting a couple of days ago (which was SO much fun) but afterwards they fed us a fish dinner. Now, I don't like fish, so I normally wouldn't have eaten it, but I was so hungry that I ate through the dislike...I've never regretted any eating decision more!! We've all been pretty miserable, but there is definitely a silver lining - our group has reached a new level of closeness!! Shared suffering and caring for each other has been wonderful.

Anyway, I'm going to go attempt to keep down a little bit of fish though!! Sorry for the depressing message, but don't worry - I'm not dying and I'm on the mend! Details about Bosnia will follow soon :).

all my love...


Anonymous said...

oh no, food poisoning! That sounds terrible! A few days ago, I saw a girl come into my suite and I FREAKED OUT (in a v. good way) cuz I thought it was you!!!!
Love you!!
<3 Wendi

Anonymous said...

I'm soooo sorry that the fish didn't agree with you and never will now. It sounds like your having a wonderful time in spite of it. Did you have a great time with your parents?They were so excited. Well have a wonderful rest of the trip and stay healthy!!!!!

Love Cheryl

grandpa said...

Hi, Kelsey: We finally learned about using the comment option on your blog from Aunt Jenny. This is my second attempt because I wasn't registered on Google.

What I need to what and what class whitewater you encountered? I see that Sarejevo is on the Bosna, but becomes the Drina below Sarejevo, and several other names before it reaches the Adriatic. How long was the raft trip? Another, larger? river , is only about 60 km west of Sarajevo, the Vrbas, which flows into a large lake, at Ostrozac, then flows out as the Neretva. Hey, I just may learn some geography while you are on this trip of a lifetime!

Hope the fish trauma is becoming a dim memory, and that is the worst experience of your odyssey. I'll be in New Mexico for a couple of weeks, but hope grandma can keep me up to date on your blog. love, grandpa and Grandma

megalini said...

Hope you're feeling better by now! I know you were hungry but you may have wanted to become a vegetarian for the day. Remember my experience with fish in Europe? Be looking for letters from me in Vienna and Prague! Miss you and love you!