(this was a self-portrait...I'm fairly certain it was -2 when I took this walk. NBD.)
I think I'm about ready for more of this:
("this" would be hanging out with my good friend Stacy in the warm and sun and sunglasses.)
Summer ball starts soon. I don't have to wear my down jacket every time I go outside anymore. It's been over a week since I scraped ice off of my windshield. Summer is quickly approaching, and I'm glad. I love the seasons in Colorado - every time I'm about to get sick of one, a new one shows up.
The job search process has to be one of my least favorite things ever. So much work with so little reward. And talk about kicking you when you're down. You're already unemployed (hit one) and then you send out endless numbers of applications and resumes only to hear back from about .1% of them. And then the right one comes along and it's all fine again, but until that happens, the endless string of rejections and uncertainty that accompanies them is not pleasant.
One year ago today I was in Europe, about to be financially dominated by a volcano.
Happy April.
1 comment:
I love you.
I'm ready for summer too, though at the same time, we never really got winter here, so that's sort of sad. Maybe I'll move to colorado with you so I can have some seasons.
John got into Irvine. He's pretty stoked.
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