Wednesday, February 17, 2010


...I spent a next-to-perfect week in beautiful Santa Barbara.

...I purchased a ticket for a three-week vacation to Europe.

...Lauren came to visit.

...I got fitted for my maid of honor dress while seeing my best friend try on the most beautiful wedding dress ever.

...I discovered a wonderful musical artist (Gregory Alan Isakov) courtesy of Mr. Gray.

...I turned 23. Weird.

...I realized that the 14 and 15 year olds with whom I spend the majority of my time have endeared themselves to me in such a way that the impending end of the basketball season (and subsequent absence of them from my life) breaks my heart a little bit.

...I have fully committed to watching season 9 of American Idol, beginning to end.

...Kellie and Zak got engaged.'s snowed a couple of times.

...and the universal truth remains: God is good.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

i'll think of a witty title later.

When I ran track in high school, my friends and I played a game called "Anywhere but Here." This game usually came about on days when the temperature had peaked at about 8 degrees and snow was whipping around at breakneck speeds and even the craziest of winter weather-lovers refused to come outside. We were the only ones out braving the weather, in our multiple layers of clothing that had to be stripped off at the last second so we could dash around the track through snow and ice and trying to avoid frostbite while wearing our little spandex running outfits. Well, us and our parents (even more miserable than we were, bundled up and sitting on the freezing metal bleachers. Bless their hearts.) Sitting on the grass in the middle of the track, wearing as many clothes as possible, and cuddled together to preserve body heat, we would play Anywhere but Here. We would close our eyes and imagine the place we wanted to be, which inevitably was somewhere at least 60 degrees warmer than the place we really were. Marisa's always included The Famous Jett Jackson (ex: "I would be on a beach in Hawaii with Jett Jackson.") I don't remember everyone else's (after all, not much can stand out more than The Famous Jett Jackson), but I do remember that I didn't have a norm. I just always wanted to be "anywhere but here."

I haven't thought about that game in a really long time...but the phrase popped into my head today. Not because I wanted to be somewhere else, but because I realized that I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here. And there aren't words to explain what a relief it was to realize that fact. Don't get me wrong - a large part of my heart is SEVERELY missing many of the residents of Santa Barbara, California right now - but I feel at peace here.

Speaking of Santa Barbara, I had a wonderful trip there. It's an indescribable feeling, really, to be in the presence of people who just know and love you so well. There were so many great conversations, so many joyful moments, and so much comfort in just being with my best friends again. I couldn't have asked for a better week. If only I wouldn't have had to waste a few hours every day on sleep!

In conclusion: life is good. And I am glad.

PS - my good friend Eric Rindal gives me lots of love in his blog, so I figured I would do the same, even though I strongly doubt that he ever actually reads my blog. Thanks for being awesome, Eric. There's your shout out.

Monday, February 1, 2010

so many happy moments...

I am sitting on the floor of my old bedroom. The air still smells the same, the palm trees still blow outside, and the neighbors' footsteps are still too loud. It almost feels like I never left...but I did.

The greatest sense of relief surrounded me today, though, when I realized that I have enjoyed every second of this vacation, but I am also excited to go home (to snow and family and coaching and gas for under $3). There was a time when "home" meant palm tree lined streets and beachy breezes, but that time is no more. Santa Barbara (and the amazing people in it) will always be special to me, but it is no longer home.

That said, I can tell you that this has been the most perfect vacation I could have imagined. My only complaint is that there simply aren't enough hours in the day. There are far too many wonderful people here and just not enough time to give them all the attention they deserve.

I'll put up some pictures after I get back home, but for now, I will just say how extraordinarily blessed I am.

My heart feels full and at peace.

God has certainly been good to me.