Sunday, March 22, 2009


Good morning.

Today I awoke not to the sound of an alarm, but to the rushing of the wind outside my window.  To the silence which is not actually silence at all, but the sound of the world turning and life being lived.

I looked out the window, expecting the blanket of clouds and rain that have been our constant companion for the past few days.  Instead I was greeted by bright blue sky and sunshine.  Walking outside to enjoy the warmth I anticipated, I was surprised to instead find wind and cold that brought tears to my eyes with its ferocity.

I loved it.

I was reminded of home.  Of cool Colorado mornings or mountain adventure evenings.  It made me feel alive.  The wind rushing across my face and the tears collecting in the corners of my eyes and the goosebumps collecting on my arms and legs made me think of starting an adventure.  And that, my friends, is what I want my life to be.  An adventure.

So here's to more days of adventure.  Of wind blowing excitement into my life.  Of cool mornings and afternoon sunlight.  

And here's to standing with heart abandoned in awe of the One who created it all.

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