I love autumn. (If you know me at all and especially if you read this blog, you probably already know that but it doesn't hurt to say it again.) When I lived in California, the most depressing time of the year for me was right around the end of September/beginning of October because everything. stayed. the. same. I was anticipating cooler weather and changing colors and an excuse to wear sweaters and boots and cozy jackets. Instead all I got was (yet another) 75 degree day. (I realize that many will scoff at me for complaining about continuous 75 degree days, but I like variety in my weather, dang it!)
But I'm no longer in California and I am once again getting to experience the wonder of Colorado fall.
My heart is happy.
In other news, I have started a new job (again) that I am loving. I feel so blessed and happy to have finally found a direction and purpose for my life, and I love that I like going to work every day. The one downside of the job is that I took a cut in hours from my last job, but it is worth it to have my happiness restored.
Here's a picture of the fam and me in the mountains recently:
Life is good.