Reader's Digest version: Got job at coffee shop. Hated job at coffee shop. Meltdown. Action plan. Got new job at preschool. Quit job at coffee shop. Happiness.
Extended version: I finally got a job at a coffee shop called Dazbog Coffee (a Russian-founded, Colorado-based chain who are feebly attempting to compete with Starbucks). Basically minimum wage, 35 minute drive from my house (which is even worse when you have to be at work at 5:30 am), and crazy foreign bosses (I have a knack for finding those, apparently...) were all factors that contributed to the quick realization that this job was perhaps the last thing I wanted to spend my time doing. After a week, I couldn't do it anymore, thus: meltdown followed by action plan. However, my action plan didn't actually have time to take place because the next day my mom drove by a preschool that was hiring, grabbed me an application, and 20 minutes later I was hired as a preschool teacher. The following day I put in my two weeks notice at Dazbog, and I am currently finishing out my last two weeks as a Barista for the Lazy Hills Dazbog Coffee. I start as a preschool teacher at Jordan Alexander's Preschool on June 7th.
Here's the thing: God is good. All the time, God is good. Not only do I have a full time job, but I have a full time job that I could potentially really love. God is good.