Saturday, September 20, 2008


awesome, epic beach day today.

volleyball, blenders, sun, sand, salt water, amazing friends....this is why i love santa barbara.

good day.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I'm currently sitting at my "dining room" table. (I use the label "dining room" loosely, considering that the dining room, living room, family room, office, and unofficial storage space are all really one relatively small room in our little apartment.) However, in theory at least, this is our dining room, and the table is in it, so I suppose that makes it the dining room table.

As I'm sitting here staring at the candle I lit to keep me company in my reading, I realize that this is home. I don't love it right now...there are still things that need to be unpacked. We need another couch. We only have two chairs at our table right now because Emily and I have each stolen one to serve as our desk chairs. One of our lamps doesn't have a lightbulb. We haven't perfected our kitchen cleaning/sharing strategy and we haven't developed a foolproof method of chore-splitting and bill-paying. But I'd better get used to it. Because this is home, whether I like it or not. I just crossed the barrier between "extended vacation" and "place where I'm living for the next 8ish months" and I'm kind of freaking out.

Don't get me wrong - my roommates are amazing. And my apartment is great, especially for the amount I am paying for it. I guess that I'm just starting to realize how very real my future is, and how quickly my future is becoming my present.

However, there is no avoiding it. So first things first, I suppose. I will go in the kitchen, put away the leftover pizza, take out the trash again for what seems like the 7th time today, and continue to settle in. Because this...well, for now, it is home.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


It's been quite a while since I've last written. I guess I could say that life has gotten in the way. School, friends, the craziness that was It all got busy and I've found myself back in the old pattern of falling into bed absolutely exhausted at the end of the day, never taking a spare minute to sit and think, let alone write, because every minute "wasted" writing is a minute that isn't spent sleeping.

But that's changing now.

I'm going to figure out a way to get my priorities straight.

Orientation was absolutely, insanely, wonderfully amazing. It was so busy and so exhausting, but totally worth it. It was great being involved in something that really mattered. And I learned a lot about servant leadership through my role on the Orientation Team - turns out that about 90% of our work wasn't recognized or appreciated. But that was okay. Because it wasn't about us, and we managed to pull off an incredibly successful orientation that hopefully gave the incoming students a feeling of confidence and acceptance before starting their first year. Plus, our team was AMAZING. I miss them already - 18 hours of working together every day to never seeing someone is hard! Actually, we are having a little reunion get together this evening, and it's pretty much been the only thing I've been looking forward to all week.

Classes are already incredibly hard, but I love them. I can't believe that these are my very last classes of college! Where did the time go?! I'm glad that I'm ending my college career this way, though, with difficult classes that I love. It just doesn't seem like it would be right any other way.

I also have a very part time job babysitting this semester. I pick the kid up from school every Tuesday and Thursday and hang out with him until his parents get home from work. I wasn't planning on having a job this semester, but they were desperate for a babysitter, and it's a good number of hours for me, so it'll work out well. So far it's been a lot of fun.

Add to this the whole trying to have friends thing and maintaining some semblence of a social life, and I'm already exhausted.

I could use a break, and I'm only 4 days into the semester.

However, life is good. God is good, and my heart feels full, and life goes on, whether or not I worry about it.

So, my resolution is this: time for ME. Not for homework or friends or working or busy-ness. No....time for me and God to sit in silence and be friends. already sounds amazing.